Toppen av rådhuset
Top of Oslo Townhall

Gamle Vestbanen som er blitt Fredssenter
The old trainstation is now a Peacecenter

Theater buildt in 1899

Theaterkafèen, ofte besøkt av kjendiser. Serverer den beste Coq au Vin!
Old cafè "Theaterkafèen", often visited by celebreties. Love their Coq au Vin! Opened in the year of 1900.

Karl Johans gate med slottet i bakgrunnen
Main street of Oslo, Karl Johans gate, a tiny bit of the Royal castle in the background. Here is where the Norwegian king and queen lives

Karl Johans gate sett mot Stortinget
Main street in the opposit direction. Oslo Central station is far away in the other end of this street. The house you see with that bell tower, is Grand Hotel where president Obama stayed during his visit to Norway