Vi prøver så godt vi kan å fortsette livet uten han vi var så glad i, og jeg må bare innrømme at det blir endel tårer. Men masse gode minner har vi, og det er vel de som skal bringe oss videre.
Tusen takk for all omtanken!
Strikkepinner og heklenål har gått varme den siste måneden, det hjelper å ha litt i hendene når kveldstimene kommer. Jeg må bare få tatt litt bilder så skal dere få se hva jeg har fått ferdig.

Det ble ikke de beste bildene for været var så grått, men kanskje noen kjenner igjen fuglen allikevel. Jeg må kjøpe meg en fuglebok tror jeg, for det er ikke så lett å Google etter utseende =)

Thank you so much for all your nice and comforting words on my last blogpost. It means a lot to me and my family to know that we are in your thoughts. I must admit that we have some hard days and that there are plenty of tears, but we also have a lot of good memories that will keep us smile again.
The last month the knitting needles and crochet hook has been used a lot in the evenings, it is so good to have something to occupie the mind. I need to take photo's of the FO's to show.
And in my Ristorante Bianco the birds that has visited during winter is gone, and new one's has arrived. I have not take many photo's, in fact only these you see here, and I am not even sure what kind of bird it is. Hope that some of my fellow countrymen can say, and then I can tell you later =)