Hun har laget noen råflotte sokketøfler som jeg bare måtte prøve meg på. Men av og til så skjønner hjernen min ingenting, og etter 2 forsøk måtte jeg innse at jeg ikke fikk det til uten hjelp. Tusen takk Sylvia, endelig ble det tøfler på meg - hjertelig takk for hjelpen!
Jeg har strikket i Viking SportsRagg og de er deilig myke og varme.
Another blog I visit more than often is Sylvia. She makes incredible knitting and crochet, and she also do a lot of yummi cooking and baking. I only wish that there was enough spear time to try more of her things. Make her a visit and see for yourselves!
She have made some awsome slippers that I just had to try to copy. But sometimes my brain understand less than nothing, and after two attempts I just had to realize that I needed help. Thank you so much Sylvia, at last I have my slippers - thank you for all your help!
The slippers are knitted in Viking SportsRagg yarn and they are soft and cosy, and warm.