Ellers har påsken bragt både knallsol og snøstorm, lammestek og rødvin og selvfølgelig strikking. Litt montering og blokking igjen så skal dere få se hva jeg fordrev tiden med.
Tusen hjertelig takk også for alle koselige kommentarer dere har lagt igjen på jakkeinnlegget mitt. Så koselig at dere likte den, selv er jeg veldig fornøyd.
While we were getting ready to leave for the mountains and vacation, the postman stopped by and left me a package. An Easter greating from Lena - so nice of her to do that! She has crocheted -OMG how do I say this in English- two cloths to have under warm kettles.... and enclosed a lovely card and chocolate. That warmed my heart, imagine someone doing this just to say that they care! Thank you so much Lena, you are a sweetheart! I brought the cloths to our cabin, but I could not use them under the kettles they are to nice for that, so I use them as doylies under candlesticks - perfect!
The Easter brought both sun and snowstorm, roast and redwine and of cause knitting. Some mounting and blocking left and then I will show the FO.
Thank you all so much for your nice comments on the post with my jacket. It is nice to see that you like it too.