Her kommer bilde av mitt 2. par - nå er plutselig planene for garnlageret mitt noe forandret - nå leter jeg etter garn til vanter i alt jeg har... Dette garnet skulle egentlig vært brukt til sokker.....
A new pair of gloves - this is fun!
Thank you so much for all the nice comments on my first pair of gloves! It is so fun to get so much praise on something I have made myself!
Here you see a photo of the next gloves I just have finished. The plan I had for my yarnstash is now completely changed... I am looking for yarn everywhere so I can knit more gloves - the yarn I have used here were planned for socks...
The gloves are knitted with Regia sockyarn Marokko colorway, with my new bamboo needles no. 2,75 (US 2), and the pattern is a bit from here and a bit from there to fit my small hands and the yarn.
Her om dagen var jeg innom Bea sitt Flickr album og der så jeg bilde av Blåbærmuffins! Det fikk jeg så fryktelig lyst på, men slikt har ikke jeg oppskrift på... Så husket jeg plutselig 9na sitt Gourmet opplegg fra i sommer, der var det da noen som hadde lagt igjen oppskrift på blåbærmuffins tror jeg.. Av gårde dit - og jo da - der var Red Robin sine muffins og oppskriften var klar! Ja hva gjorde vi før - jeg hadde måttet klare meg uten disse kjempegode muffins som du ser bilde av her.
Så tusen takk til alle som har bidratt til mine blåbærmuffins - uten at dere vet om det!
By the way, how did we manage before we had Internet...
The other day I visited Bea in her Flickr album, and she had a photo of some delicius blueberry cupcakes! I could not get those out of my mind, but I had no recipe...
Then I remembered from this summer, 9na had a Gourmet thing in her blog where she linked to a lot of other blogs with delicious recips, and I seemed to remember some blueberry cupcakes...
And yes - Red Robin had left a blueberry cupcake recip - and then I was ready to bake!
But I still wonder - how did we manage in early days - I could not have baked theese tasty cupcakes that you see on the photo without a recipe...
So thank you to all the contributers for my cupcakes - even if you don't know it!
This is for my foreign friends that never have seen Norwegian blueberries - this is how they looks...