Men nå er det stopp for en lang stund altså!!!!
When I returned to home yesterday after some nice days at our cabin in the mountains, our neighbour had emtied our letter box... Why? It seems that it had been pretty full... Why? Well, it contained 2 parcels for me... Why? Well, I must admit to have bought something more...
But this is the last buy for a while - I promise!!!
Pakke no. 1; stilig garn til en stilig... Vent og se! Og så rundpinne på 30 cm!
Parcel no.1; nice yarn for a smart... You wait and see! And a circular needel with lenghth only 30 cm.
Pakke nr.2; jeg har jo planer om å lære meg lappeteknikk - da trengs det jo lapper selvfølgelig!!
Parcel no.2; I have plans to learn to do patchwork - so then I need some patches - don't you agree ?