Am I addicted to scarves?? I am beginning to think so. This is My So Called Scarf finally finished. I am not able to get the colors right in this photo, even if I made it in the previous one. My digital camera is an old one, and I would very much fancy a new one.... Lately I have tried to finish my works one by one instead of everone at the same time, and it looks like I have been successful in doing it! My shawl is finished to, I just have to take a photo of it. It feels peculiar - nothing waiting to be finished, nothing to be mounted - I am all ready for new project's, with a good conscience!
Vær snill og respekter at alle bildene er min copyright / Please respect copyright on all photos in my blog.
søndag 12. august 2007
Er jeg skjerfoholiker kanskje ???
Am I addicted to scarves?? I am beginning to think so. This is My So Called Scarf finally finished. I am not able to get the colors right in this photo, even if I made it in the previous one. My digital camera is an old one, and I would very much fancy a new one.... Lately I have tried to finish my works one by one instead of everone at the same time, and it looks like I have been successful in doing it! My shawl is finished to, I just have to take a photo of it. It feels peculiar - nothing waiting to be finished, nothing to be mounted - I am all ready for new project's, with a good conscience!