Det blir gjødslet og stelt og dillet med og selv om det er et tegn på at høsten snart kommer så MÅ jeg bare vise dere den første blå og modne plommen i år!
Tusen takk Anne-Grethe for det vakre eple diktet i hilsenen på forrige innlegg - kanskje du har et om plommer også?
Og tusen takk for alle hyggelige hilsener som blir lagt igjen her, det er SÅ morsomt! Jeg har fått en counter lenger ned på siden her, og følger spent med på hvilke land jeg får besøk fra også. Kjempemorsomt å se, jeg er nå oppe i 20 land!
I have a garden and I am very fond of it, but not so fond of gardening. So it is not filled with a lot of fancy flowers and pots and stuff, but one thing I have, and that is a plum tree!
And even if this is a sign of a comming autum I just HAVE to show you the first blue plum of the year! Isn't it lovely?
Thank you Anne-Grethe for the lovely poem about apples in your last comment - maby you have one about plums too?
And even if this is a sign of a comming autum I just HAVE to show you the first blue plum of the year! Isn't it lovely?
Thank you Anne-Grethe for the lovely poem about apples in your last comment - maby you have one about plums too?
And thank's to everyone for all the nice comments you write in my blog, it is SO fun to receive them! I have a counter in my blog and it is so fun to see that the country list is growing bigger day by day. Until now I have had visitors from 20 countries! And I do hope that in the future some of those will leave a comment to! You don't have to write anything that make a lot of sence, just let me know that you have visited my blog! Thank you so much!